Ireland has been investing in it's road network over the last decade as it has received billions from the EU to become the 'Celtic Tiger'. A perfect opportunity to create graphic masterpieces in the form of road signs. Instead, the high quality new roads have been undermined by poor graphic design. A graphic mess has emerged as Ireland holds onto the remnants of the British road signing system, while also trying to add its own elements to the signing system.
We can see to the left the iconic 'Transport' typeface on the standard green used in the UK. It is not this that is the downfall, but the typeface and symbols. To start with, the Irish translations are messy and comprised of poorly constructed letterforms. The type is also too close to the border, particularly at the top of the sign. In terms of the arrow and 'N11', these do not line up. There is no need for the arrow, as anyone seeing that sign would be heading straight on on the N11 anyway. A reminder that you are on the N11 is understandable, but why not follow the British example (below) of 'heading up' the sign with the road number?
This is one of the better signs on the road network. Two things to note though are that the 1 in 1km is far too large, not to mention it applies to all boxes, not just the far left one. R671 is also in a different typeface (Transport) to the motorway numbers (Motorway).
I have picked out this sign for a few reasons. The first is that the most important exit on the roundabout is signed the least clearly. This is the M8, which is given a tiny patch as if there is constrained space. A second point to note is the very badly constructed arrows on the roundabout diagram. These do not conform to any standard- compare these arrows with the arrow shown in the first image.