ultrasound jesus


Research has revealed that 85 per cent of people agree with the statement that "Christmas should be called Christmas because we are still a Christian country". But it also shows that only 12 per cent of adults know the facts of the Christmas story in any detail.

So if we Christians really want to keep Christmas focused on Christ, we must constantly re-tell the story of his birth in ways which engage positively with the public's interest.

In the 21st century, proud parents-to-be proudly announce the coming birth by showing friends and family the scan of the baby. Our new Ultrasound Jesus poster (pictured left) uses this convention to place the birth of Christ in an ultra-contemporary context.

It is highly impactful. It has a sense of immediacy. It creates anticipation. And theologically it speaks of both the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ.

There is no doubt that it will capture people's attention, generate headlines and create countless conversations about the true meaning of Christmas.

Church leaders across the denominations have welcomed the campaign and are urging churches all over the country to get involved.

Lego Printer


The highly anticipated 'Alejandro' video has arrived fresh from the Haus of Gaga. I have to say, I am somewhat dissapointed. High expectations were had after previous videos including 'Telephone' and 'Paparazzi', directed by Jonas Akerlund. This video featured the expected dance routines, but nothing cutting edge, and the costumes too did not break boundaries as expected. The video was also tarnished by cheap graphics in places compared to the usual well choreographed scenes. In 'Telephone', one of the strengths was the strong colour scheme that was translated into the on-screen type. There was no on-screen type in 'Alejandro' at all.

The video did seem to drag on towards the end. Long videos can be good, but I felt in this case a rather simple song had been dragged on in an attempt to bring this video up to the standard of previous videos, which have resembled mini-films. There was also no speech in the video, which in turn didn't let it become the mini-film it could have been. It was good to see no product placement in the video, but if product placement means more money in the video and thus higher quality videos, I would welcome its return.

Perhaps we have come to expect too much of Lady Gaga, but the creativity, ambition and money is there to create high quality avant garde videos, so let's get back on track next time Gaga!

History Pin

Using Google Street View, 'We Are What We Do' aims to build a virtual database of the world through the generations. By pinning photos onto the streets in street view, users will be able to see what the street looked liked at various points throughout history. The content will be user generated and is primarily in the UK only, but will be rolled out globally very soon.

Transform @ Tower Works, Holbeck Urban Village

TRANSFORM from Rick "Tricky" Harrison on Vimeo.